Results for 'Li︠u︡dmila Vasilʹevna Konovalova'

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  1. Sovetskai︠a︡ ėtika i sovremennai︠a︡ ideologicheskai︠a︡ borʹba.Li︠u︡dmila Vasilʹevna Konovalova - 1977
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  2. Znanii︠a︡ i nravstvennostʹ.Li︠u︡dmila Vasilʹevna Konovalova - 1974
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    Slovo, semantika, tekst: sbornik nauchnykh trudov, posvi︠a︡shchennyĭ i︠u︡bilei︠u︡ professora Very Vasilʹevny Stepanovoĭ.Vera Vasilʹevna Stepanova & V. D. Cherni︠a︡k (eds.) - 2002 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo RGPU im. A.I. Gert︠s︡ena.
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    Medical ethics: Problems of theory and practice.Raisa Vasil'evna Korotkikh - 1989 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14 (3):269-282.
    The paper analyzes the development of medical ethics in the USSR, and its socio-psychological, scientific-technological, and organizational factors. Special attention is given to the interdependence of moral-ethical problems with organizational issues. Keywords: professional ethics, medical ethics, moral relations, perestroika , socialism, Marxism-Leninism, USSR, bioethics CiteULike Connotea What's this?
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  5. Ėsteticheskoe vospitanie v shkole.Antonina Vasilʹevna Almazova (ed.) - 1962 - Leningrad,: Gos. uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo.
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    The Anglo-Saxon Zugzwang: the irrational paradox of the Enlightenment.Nadežda Vasilʹevna Golik - 2018 - London: Art-Xpress. Edited by A. I. Izvekov.
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    Sistemnye semanticheskie svi︠a︡zi i︠a︡zykovykh edinit︠s︡.Klavdii︠a︡ Vasilʹevna Gorshkova (ed.) - 1992 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta.
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  8. O kulʹturnom oblike sovetskogo cheloveka.Lidii︠a︡ Vasilʹevna Kalashnikova - 1959 - Edited by Trukhachev, I︠U︡riĭ Dmitrievich & [From Old Catalog].
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    Velikiĭ russkiĭ pedagog-demokrat K. D. Ushinskiĭ.Tamara Vasil Evna Karpova & V. V. Karpov - 1975 - Edited by Karpov, Viktor Vasilʹevich & [From Old Catalog].
  10. Otrazhenie i ego rolʹ v organizatsii zhivykh sistem.Nadezhda Vasilʹevna Kivenko - 1972 - Kiev,: "Naukova dumka,".
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  11. Stanovlenie kategorii prichinnosti: na materiale istorii i︠a︡zyka.Olʹga Vasilʹevna Maslieva - 1980 - Leningrad: "Nauka," Leningradskoe otd-nie. Edited by M. G. Makarov.
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    Matematika v istorii russkoĭ filosofii: filosofsko-matematicheskiĭ sintez: monografii︠a︡.Viktorii͡a Vasilʹevna Moroz - 2019 - Kursk: Kurskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet.
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  13. Lichnostʹ v prot︠s︡esse istoricheskogo razvitii︠a︡.Lidii︠a︡ Vasilʹevna Nikolaeva - 1963 - Moskva]: Izd-vo Moskovoskogo universiteta.
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    Kachestvennye osobennosti otrazhenii︠a︡ v nezhivoĭ prirode.Evgenii︠a︡ Vasilʹevna Petushkova - 1963
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    Niklas Luman o politicheskoĭ i i︠u︡ridicheskoĭ podsistemakh obshchestva: monografii︠a︡.Olʹga Vasilʹevna Poskonina - 1997 - Izhevsk: Izd-vo Udmurtskogo universiteta.
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  16. Siger Brabantskiĭ i parazhskie averroisty.Galina Vasilʹevna Shevkina - 1972
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    Statistical mechanics of irreversible processes.Alla Vasilʹevna Shelest - 1966 - [Kiev,: Naukova dumka].
  18. Iosif Dit︠s︡gen.Valentina Vasilʹevna Volkova - 1961
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    Logiko-filosofskiĭ analiz i︠a︡zyka: sovremennyĭ vzgli︠a︡d.Ekaterina Vasilʹevna Vostrikova - 2017 - Moskva: Institut filosofii RAN. Edited by P. S. Kusliĭ.
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  20. Dialektika obʺektivnogo i subʺektivnogo v istoricheskom prot︠s︡esse i sot︠s︡ialʹnom poznanii: sbornik stateĭ.V. N. Bori︠a︡z, A. F. Zamaleev & Olʹga Vasilʹevna Maslieva (eds.) - 1986 - Leningrad: Izd-vo "Nauka," Leningradskoe otd-nie.
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  21. Materialisticheskai︠a︡ dialektika i struktura estestvennonauchnogo znanii︠a︡.Nadezhda Pavlovna Depenchuk & Li︠u︡dmila Vasilʹevna Ozadovskai︠a︡ (eds.) - 1980 - Kiev: "Nauk. dumka".
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  22. Metodologicheskie aspekty estestvennonauchnykh issledovaniĭ: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.D. A. Mikitenko & Li︠u︡dmila Vasilʹevna Ozadovskai︠a︡ (eds.) - 1985 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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  23. Opyt pedagogicheskoĭ dei︠a︡telʹnosti S. T. Shat︠s︡kogo.I︠U︡lii︠a︡ Vasilʹevna Novikova, V. N. Shat︠s︡kai︠a︡ & L. N. Skatkin (eds.) - 1976
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  24. Estestvennonauchnoe poznanie: izmenenie metodologicheskikh orientat︠s︡iĭ.Li︠u︡dmila Vasilʹevna Ozadovskai︠a︡ (ed.) - 1993 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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    Filosofsko-metodologicheskie reguli︠a︡tivy fizicheskogo znanii︠a︡.Li︠u︡dmila Vasilʹevna Ozadovskai︠a︡ - 1989 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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  26. Gnoseologicheskiĭ status poni︠a︡tiĭ v reli︠a︡tivistskoĭ fizike.Li︠u︡dmila Vasilʹevna Ozadovskai︠a︡ - 1975 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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  27. Zhiznʹ kak tvorchestvo: sot︠s︡ialʹno-psikhologicheskiĭ analiz.V. I. Shinkaruk, Lidii︠a︡ Vasilʹevna Sokhanʹ & V. O. Tykhonovych (eds.) - 1985 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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    Li︠u︡dmila Vasilʹevna Shaposhnikova: biobibliograficheskiĭ ukazatelʹ k 85-letii︠u︡ so dni︠a︡ rozhdenii︠a︡.N. K. Vorobʹeva - 2011 - Moskva: Master-Bank.
    Цель данного издания - познакомить широкий круг читателей с основными вехами жизни ученого, организатора, ее научными трудами, литературой о ней.
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    An information sampling explanation for the in-group heterogeneity effect.Elizaveta Konovalova & Gaël Le Mens - 2020 - Psychological Review 127 (1):47-73.
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    The intuitive conceptualization and perception of variance.Elizaveta Konovalova & Thorsten Pachur - 2021 - Cognition 217 (C):104906.
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  31. Dolg - vazhneĭshai︠a︡ kategorii︠a︡ marksistsko-leninskoĭ ėtiki.L. V. Konovalova - 1965 - Moskva,: Vysshai︠a︡ shkola.
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  32. Moralʹ i poznanie: kritika gnoseologicheskikh osnov sovremennoĭ burzhuaznoĭ ėtiki.L. V. Konovalova - 1975 - Moskva: Myslʹ.
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    Prikladnai︠a︡ ėtika: po materialam zapadnoĭ literatury.L. V. Konovalova - 1998 - Moskva: Institut filosofii RAN.
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  34. Rasteri︠a︡nnoe obshchestvo: kritika sovremennoĭ burzhuaznoĭ sot︠s︡iologii i psikhologii morali.L. V. Konovalova - 1986 - Moskva: "Myslʹ".
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  35. Stanovlenie ėtiki kak nauki.L. V. Konovalova (ed.) - 1987 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t filosofii.
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    Existential and Ethical Values in an Information Era.Liudmila V. Baeva - 2014 - Journal of Human Values 20 (1):33-43.
    The development of new e-culture becomes one of the most important phenomena of the digital age. The concept ‘e-culture’ has been still developing; though it is evident, that as a phenomenon, it cannot be compared with anything that has ever existed. It requires the necessity of its deep study in general and in terms of axiological and ethical aspects, reflecting the nature of its influence on human world view and behaviour. The author offers the concept of e-culture as a new (...)
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    Epistemology of Metaculture Metaphorization.Liudmila Romanovska, Ludmyla Kondratska, Tetiana Kravchyna, Yuriy Bryndikov & Svitlana Kozachenko - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (1Sup1):234-248.
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    Existential Sources of School Shootings and Columbine.Liudmila V. Baeva & Баева Людмила Владимировна - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):774-792.
    Manifestations of school shooting or ‘columbine’, constituted by armed mass attacks and murders in educational institutions perpetrated by adolescents, have proliferated in recent years. They are marked by their unpredictability, spontaneity and cruelty. This phenomenon has been subject to scholarly examination from various perspectives, enabling the elucidation of its multifarious traits and characteristics as a means of diagnosis and prevention. This study surveys established academic approaches to the study of school shootings (psychological, legal, sociological, semiotic, existential) and delineates their specificity (...)
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    On the Characteristic of Temple Complexes in the Near East in the 4th–3rd Millennia BC.Liudmila I. Avilova - 2012 - Asian Culture and History 4 (2):p3.
    Investigation of metal is important for understanding relationship between production and ideology in ancient Near East. Metal production in the Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age stimulated transformation of egalitarian society into stratified one. The author traces relation of objects of social and religious significance (interior decorations, anthropo- and zoomorphic sculpture, symbolic weapons and implements) with certain types of sites. From the Neolithic onward metal was used in mortuary practice. In the Early Bronze Age metal production shows relationship with the process (...)
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    Challenges to Frontier Allegories: the Caspian Sea Region in Southern Russia.Liudmila Baeva & Anna Romanova - 2015 - Cultura 12 (1):159-172.
    This contribution is devoted to frontier theory, the analysis of its conceptual apparatus as well as its topical issues and practical application. We propose a revision of this theory, and confront the usefulness of the term “frontier” with other the similar concepts such as border, boundary and limit. The paper also proposes a typology of frontiers characterized by various aspects; civilization, intercultural, religious, and anthropological, among other. From the standpoint of this discussion, the authors consider the Southern Russian bordering region (...)
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    Digital Dialogue in Learning: Cognitive, Social, Existential Features and Risks.Liudmila Vladimirovna Baeva - 2022 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 26 (2):439-453.
    Digitalization of socio-cultural phenomena, including the education system, generates transformations of their qualitative characteristics and parameters, which requires research from the standpoint of methodological analysis and assessment of their possible consequences on humans and society. A significant element of the digital environment, in general, and educational, in particular, is the dialogue, the role of which has both cognitive and ideological, existential, social aspects. The purpose of the research is a philosophical analysis of the digital transformation of dialogue in the context (...)
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  42. Existential Axiology.Liudmila Baeva - 2012 - Cultura 9 (1):73-83.
    This article is dedicated to basing a new current of philosophy – existential axiology. The nature of this theory involves the understanding of values as responsesof a person to key existential challenges: death, solitude, dependence of the nature and the society, etc. Value is the striving of a human to clarify the meaning andsignificance of our existence, it is an act of freedom, expression of subjectivity because it’s based on our personal experience and preference. We regard values as meaningfully-significant purposes (...)
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    The Development of E-Culture and Differentiation of the Modern Social Sciences and Humanities.Liudmila Baeva - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 6:83-99.
    The article is devoted to the study of electronic culture as a new phenomenon of the information age, as a special sphere of human activity associated with the creation of digital objects, the simulations of objects of “living” culture, virtual spaces and processes. The concept of “electronic culture” is explained in comparison with relative (but not identical) to it terms, such as cyber culture, Internet culture, online culture, digital culture, etc. The purpose of this study is to identify the internal (...)
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    A.F. Losev's radical lingua-philosophical project.Liudmila A. Gogotishvili - 2004 - Studies in East European Thought 56 (2-3):119-142.
    I identify the main underlyingcomponents of Losev''s philosophy(phenomenology, Neo-Kantianism, symbolism,onomatodoxy/imjaslavie) and undertake acomparative analysis of their similarities (theprinciple of the priority of pure sense) anddistinctive features (i.e., whether logic andnatural language are accompanied by an eideticlevel of pure sense, and whether the principleof correlation or of expression is dominant).On this basis I define the pivotal concept ofLosev''s radical project as ``eidetic language.''''The general contours of Losev''s radical projectand its neglected potential for the philosophyof language are described by means of ananalysis (...)
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    The Leading Volodymyr Pidvysotskyi’s Scientific School of Pathophysiologists.Liudmila Klymenko - 2019 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 7 (1):97-108.
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    Ukrainian Scientists in Emigration.Liudmila Klymenko - 2022 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 10 (2):102-108.
    The article aims to draw attention to Aleksandr Mankovskyi (1868–1946), a relatively less-known figure among modern scientists. Mankovskyi is a UkrainianBulgarian scientist of Polish origin, whose life was linked to three countries: Ukraine, Bulgaria, and Poland. He, a specialist in histology and embryology, was a professor at Novorossiysk University and Sofia University.
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  47. Predmet nauki: sot︠s︡ialʹno-filosofskiĭ aspekt problemy.Liudmila Mikhailovna Kosareva - 1977 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Proprioceptive Indicators of Personality and Individual Differences in Behavior in Children With ADHD.Liudmila Liutsko, Tania Iglesias, Josep Maria Tous Ral & Alexander Veraksa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Spirituality in the Context of Psychological Analysis.Liudmila V. Yassman - 2013 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 51 (4):64-90.
    The author calls for a psychology that includes human spirituality within its framework and finds such a framework in the tradition of humanitarian or descriptive psychology.
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    The Impact of Natural Disasters on Intercultural Dialogue and Its Reflection in Dave Egger’s Zeitoun.Elmira Fakhrudinova & Zhanna Konovalova - 2023 - Dialogue and Universalism 33 (2):169-183.
    The paper addresses the issue of intercultural dialogue and its importance for ecological humanism and how this problem is reflected in American literary nonfiction at the beginning of the 21st century (as exemplified by nonfiction novel Zeitoun by Dave Eggers). The authors of the article come to the conclusion that the successful resolution of modern socio-ecological crises requires practical humanism and the actualization of the principles of ecological philosophy. The most important component of the dialogue among cultures at all levels (...)
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